Rs. 2000 to Help Accident Victims in New Delhi | Good Samaritan Policy by the Delhi Govt

Rs. 2000 to Help Accident Victims in New Delhi | Good Samaritan Policy by the Delhi Govt

In a recent announcement made by the Delhi government, those who will help accident victims will be given monetary reward from the govt. The AAP Govt. has made this welcome announcement which will motivate people to come forward during accidents and help the accident victims reach the hospital and get medical treatment. Cash reward of Rs. 2 thousand has been declared by Manish Sisodia, who is the Deputy CM of Delhi and second in command of the AAP. Apart from the cash reward, the govt. also provide a letter of appreciation to those helpful person who commit in saving lives of accident victims in Delhi and its adjoining areas. The scheme to reward such voluntary samaritans and to minimize the deaths during accidents was launched in the recent cabinet meeting held on 6th, January, 2017.

Rs. 2000 to Help Accident Victims in New Delhi

Good Samaritan Policy by the Delhi Govt.

The state govt. of Delhi launched this program which will be a gesture cum appreciation for those who help people during accidents and save their lives. Back in 2015, a major road accident happened in Subhas Nagar area of western side of Delhi where the accident victim died due to severe bleeding and no one offered help. After that, in August, 2015, the state govt. made the proposal in the assembly so that necessary measures can be done to help reaching the accident victims to nearby hospitals and to thank and motivate the helping hands during these situations.

Statistics of road accidents in Delhi and its adjoining areas by Road Transport and Highways Ministry

As per reports of Ministry of Transport released in 2015 which studies the road accidents in states and cities, most number of road accidents was recorded in Mumbai. In the city wise break up, Mumbai topped the list with more than 23 thousand road accidents. But unfortunately highest number of deaths recorded due to the road accidents were registered in Delhi and its surrounding areas. A total of 8,085 accidents were recorded last year out of which 1,622 accident victims died, which is the highest among all major cities. As per the report, most accidental death victims were riders and occupants of two wheelers. So the new program to motivate the helpers of accident victims will surely be beneficial in dropping down the accidental fatalities across the country capital.

Why people avoid helping victims during road accidents?

In most cases of road accidents, the death of the accident victim occurs due to not providing treatment and life support on time. Accidents victims lay on road till any ambulance or police vehicle attends the spot. While being taken to hospital, in most cases, doctors suggests that bringing the victim in due time could have saved the victim’s life. People avoid these situations in the fear of trouble and harassment which might come due to police enquiries which follow after the road accidents. So most bypass and dodge these situations, which lead to death of the lying road accident victim.

Some common causes of road accidents

Apart from rash driving which is one of the major causes of road accidents and degradation of road safety, there are several other important factors of the increased road accidents and fatalities on road.

  • In Delhi, drunken driving is one of the ill factors resulting in hundreds of deaths each year. This menace not only exists in the capital, but also in the adjoining areas, specially the highways connecting Delhi.
  • Also the practice of riding two wheelers without helmet, riding in excessive speeds, triple carrying, etc. are some other factors of increased no. of two-wheeler accidents in Delhi.
  • Cars ply without seatbelts and over-speed during off traffic hours. This not only puts the lives of the occupants of the vehicle in danger, but also minimizes the safety of the pedestrians and other road users. Delhi Police has been proactive in booking such offending vehicles under proper sections of laws which will help in minimizing the chances of deaths due to road accidents.

What needs to be done in case of road accident emergencies?

In case of such emergencies, all are advised to act proactively by rushing the accident victim to the nearest medical facility for treatment. Your proactive measure may result in bringing back one’s life. One may also report the accident news to the police or medical helpline to get assistance. But it is urged not to wait and take the victim to hospital as soon as possible. Now, after the Delhi Govt. has announced the program for rewarding the rescuer with Rs. 2,000 cash and a certificate from the Delhi Govt. appreciating the act, the people should always come forward in these critical situations.

Some other programs by Delhi Govt. to help accident victims

Last year, the Delhi Govt. had launched another program to provide training on life support for the auto rickshaw drivers. The auto drivers are on the roads all the time and their proactive measure can help in saving the life of several road accident victims. Similar training is also given to police persons performing traffic duty on roads so that they can help those victims.

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