Punjab Govt offered financial help to construction workers due to outbreak of COVID-19

Punjab Govt offered financial help to construction workers due to outbreak of COVID-19

Due to the increasing number of suspected cases of COVID-19 in Punjab, the government has decided to extend the idea of ‘Janata Curfew.’ In this regard, the state authorities have decided to offer financial help to each construction worker of the state as the work has stopped. Other than this, social security pension and other facilities would be offered by the state government to help common people at the time of distress. The following part of the article talks about how the workers can get financial help from the state government.

Launch details

Immediate relief has been announced in Punjab
Amount to be given under the relief Rupees 3000
Beneficiaries of the relief  Registered construction workers of Punjab
Mode of payment Beneficiary amount would be credited to the linked bank account 
Amount allotment for the financial help Rupees 96 crores
Announcement has been made by  Punjab CM Amarinder Singh
Money transfer would be facilitated by Labor department of the state

 Key features of the announcement

  • Announcement by Punjab CM – The announcement has been made by Punjab CM to offer immediate financial help to construction workers.
  • Amount for the beneficiaries – It has been decided by the state to offer rupees 3000 to the workers to be credited in bank accounts.
  • Amount allotment from the government – A total of rupees 96 crores have been sanctioned by the state government to offer smooth financial help to the construction works to overcome the present hardship situation.
  • Target group of the help – The main target group are the registered construction workers who have to face difficulties amidst the outbreak of COVID-19.
  • Main idea behind the financial help – As construction activity has stopped in Punjab the help would be extended by the higher authorities to the registered construction workers.

Eligibility criteria

  • Construction workers – As the financial help has been announced in Punjab, only the workers of the state are eligible to avail of the benefits.
  • Identification details – The identification is required to justify that only the construction workers of Punjab are eligible to avail of the financial help.
  • Bank details – The construction workers should have an active bank account in which the higher authorities would directly transfer the beneficiary amount.

Details of the application process

The beneficiaries of the announcement should have an active bank account. They can get financial help from the linked bank account as the amount will be directly credited in the linked bank account, as told by higher authorities of the state. For any further information, the beneficiaries need to stay in touch with the announcements made by state officials.

To cope up with the stagnant of activity due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the construction workers would be offered financial help by the Punjab state government. Therefore, it can help to reduce the hardship of the construction workers and get money to live their livelihood. However, the government should take suitable steps to implement the help at the earliest.

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