Purushothapatnam Lift Irrigation Scheme In Andhra Pradesh

Purushothapatnam Lift Irrigation Scheme

Cultivation cannot be done without adequate supply of water. If water is not available from natural sources, proper irrigational facilities are a must. For a state like Andhra Pradesh, irrigation is a key component as it does not get much rain. Thus, the state is working on a new scheme that is known as the Purushothapatnam Lift Irrigation Scheme.

Purushothapatnam Lift Irrigation Scheme In Andhra Pradesh

Name Purushothapatnam Lift Irrigation Scheme
Launched Date  2017
Launched By Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, N Chandrababu Naidu
Implementation made by Irrigation & CAD Department
Responsibility Taken by The Polavaram project has been placed under the responsibility of Engineer-in-Chief, M. Venkateswara Rao

Key features of the Purushothapatnam Lift Irrigation Scheme

  1. By the state for the people of AP – The development and design of the irrigation scheme has been sponsored by the state of Andhra Pradesh. The entire cost of complementing and implementing the irrigation plan will be funded by the state.
  2. Tenure of the scheme – At the start, it was estimated that the entire scheme will be completed by the end of the sixth month but the 1st phase was itself finished by August. The work on the 2nd phase is on and the state government hopes to operate it by the end of October, 2017.
  3. Installing tail and upland area – It has been highlighted in the scheme that special care has to be taken for both the upland and the tail end region of the canal. These places are significant as it is here that the engineers will setup the machinery, control rooms and hardware.
  4. Proper distribution of water in widespread areas – As per the details of the PLIS, the state government will invest money for the installation of ten high power pumps. These will pump up 3500 cusecs of water and meet the needs of residents and farmers alike.
  5. Unhindered water supply – The entire area generates a daily demand of 85 million gallons water. Normally a shortage of 20 MDG is indicated but it shoos up to 55 MGD every summer. The full-fledged operation of PLIS will put a stopper to these problems.

Area to be covered by the Irrigation Scheme

  1. Irrigation support directly – Around 20,000 acres will come directly under the influence of the irrigation scheme. All the land area is located on the sides and around the branch canals of Polavaram.
  2. Indirect support – Apart from the land that will be brought under the scheme directly, the PLIS will assist an addition of 67,000 acres as well. These lands and the people living in the areas will be indirect benefits from the scheme.
  3. Visakhapatnam and East Godavari area – It is clear that the after the second phase is also completed, the area located in and around the East Godavari banks and the district of Visakhapatnam, will no longer have to cringe about the issues of low supply of water.
  4. Areas in East Godavari – Only in the East Godavari bank, a total of 2.15 lakh acres will acquire the benefits. The areas like Peddapuram, Rajanagaram, Pithapuram, Prathipadu, and Jaggampeta will be directly promoted by PLIS.

Implementation Process Of the Scheme

  1. To start with, the pipelines will be cleared so that the left canal of Polavaram can carry a huge volume of water to the Yeleru reservoir. From there, the water will be redistributed by tertiary pipes to the areas that need the water most.
  2. For now, only two out of ten pumps have been installed and have become operational. Each pump can lift 350 cusecs of water each.
  3. When all ten pumps will be installed and will become operational after the completion of the second phase, the left canal will be able to lift 3500 cusecs of water on a daily basis and send it to Vishakhapatnam via the reservoir. As of now, the work on the installation of the 5th and 6th pump is in progress.
  4. The pressure of the water in the main distribution pipes was not much. Thus, the water distribution was hindered. Once this hurdle is crosses, the operation will be started.

Budget of the scheme

Implementation budget – According to the reports released by the state government, a whopping amount of Rs.1, 638 crore has been allocated for the overall implementation of the irrigation scheme.

Repair budget – Apart from the expense of implementation and associated costs, the state government has decided to keep aside an amount of 550 crores for meeting the repair related expenses.

First phase completion under the scheme 

As per the details of the scheme, it was aimed that the entire irrigation projects will be completed within a term of six months. But the declaration of the completion of the first phases was made by the CM on the August, 2017. Under the first segment of the scheme, a huge amount of water will be pumped up from the Godavari River. The water will be sent to the reservoir located at Yeleru via the Polavaram left canal. To mark the event, a pillar was inaugurated by the Chief Minister. Nagampalli, located in the Seethanagaram, is the place where the water from the river is directed into the canal. The pumping task is being done by two pumps. Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited are in charge of all work here.

Benefits of the scheme

  1. Providing water for cultivation – The implementation of the scheme has been done to provide the farmers with adequate supply of water for meeting the crop production requirements. Without water from the reservoir, the crops will perish.
  2. Improving the quantity of yield and profit – Once the crops get the water they require, the farmers will be able to reap a good produce. If the amount of total crop production increases, the farmers will make better profit.
  3. Improving the soil quality – It has been proved that the soil starts to lose its fertility if it is not kept moisturized with water. Lack of water content in the soil grains, use of fertilizers and consistent cultivation will cause in the depletion of the soil fertility. Thus, the PLIS will assist in maintaining the richness of the soil as well.
  4. Striking a balance in the market – With all farmers getting access to irrigation facilities, the crop market will no longer be monopolized by the rich farmers. Thus, there will be a balance between the poor and the rich.
  5. Providing drinking water – When the entire project gets completed, the problems associated with the supply of drinking water in over 11 districts in the state will be resolved.

With the completion of the irrigation program, the farmers in the state of Andhra Pradesh will not have to worry about the wilting of their precious crops, due to the scarcity of water during the summer months or throughout the years. It is not a scheme only for the development of farmers. It will bring about overall development of the state.

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