Navajatan Yojana scheme

Navajatan Yojana scheme

Poverty and malnutrition is one of the major issues faced by the Indians till date. It cannot be denied innumerable civilians die every year, all because of lack of proper nutrition and enough money to buy food. It is high time that our government takes up any action to do something regarding this issue. And this is why the Navajatan Yojana has been brought into action. In this article we are going to offer you the complete details about Navajatan Scheme, how it has been implemented and how it is going to benefit the people. Let us first start with, what is the Navajatan Scheme.

What is the Navajatan Scheme?

This is a scheme to restrict and bring down the level of mal nutrition among the innumerable people in our country. The objective of this scheme is to take care of the civilians and make sure that they are provided with proper diet for every day. Even for the BPL category people, it will be ensured that they are offered with two square meals a day. A huge number of children are identified for this process at the initial stage and it will continue to increase and expand as the number of individuals increase.

Navajatan Yojana scheme

The impact of Navajatan Yojana on poor families

The scheme has been formatted taken into account the children of financially backward families. These families are not able to provide food for their children for even one time of a day. This is why this scheme has already started saving thousands of children to overcome malnutrition. With such a scheme in place, an example can be mentioned here of a family. Neetu was the name of the child in Mahasmund district of Bemacha Village. According to Neetu’s father, it was really difficult for them to arrange food for the two members of the family. He registered his child and wife Parvati in the Anganwadi center. He claims that they were saved because the Navajatan Yojana helped them. There are several individuals who got similar help from this scheme.

The plan of action

Now, the fourth stage of Navajatan Yojana is in action. It has been targeted by CM Raman Singh that the malnutrition issue and children will be eradicated within next year. This is why the Navajatan Yojana is being implemented in a very strict way.  So that none of the families facing malnutrition are left out. According to reports the State Woman and Child Development Department of the Central Government is really serious regarding this issue. They have ordered to implement this Yojana religiously. Raman Singh has also strictly ordered to make sure that the diet plan is implemented effectively for attaining the Millennium Development Goals for the UN.

The implementation

The CM is also thinking about the ideas for the carrying out Navajatan Yojana through the fifth phase. And this will be done in a time bound manner. By the end of December, the malnutrition among children is promised to be reduced by 25%. A plan of all out assault on malnutrition will be taken up. It is sure that the CM will no longer let malnutrition, be any issue to the poor people. There will be surveys on baseline and headline that will be made for the identification of severely malnutrition children of the entire state. The affected children will be initially treated on the Anganwadis. It will be done during the presence of Child Development Programme Officers, Mitanins, Anganwadi Workers, and also the Chief Minister’s ambassadors will be present there.

The treatment of Malnutrition children

For those children who are severely down with malnutrition, a list will be made for them. And that list will be updated in the Navajatan Yojana software. After that they will be admitted to the Anganwadi hospitals or the Seva Kendras. This process of registration will be very fast. So that people do not have to wait for the registration and the children are left untreated. Now that being said, the monitoring for the health of children will be done on a state level. Raman Singh has asked officials for maintaining the sanctity of the program. To attain the headline and baseline date, a complete co-operation of organizations like CARE and UNICEF will be taken.

The previous phases of Navajatan Yojana

After the state and central government both have taken joint actions, the malnutrition level has reduced to a spectacular level. On any action against malnutrition CM Raman Singh is being coordinated directly. Such strict actions have led to the success of the first and second phases of Navajatan Yojana. For the previous phases, the action plan was barely for six months and it was successful in bringing a reduction of 38% in malnutrition. Also with the implementation of the another scheme, Bal Sandarbh Yojana, for offering home based management and additional health services to the malnutrition affected children, the work of Navajatan Yojana has become easier.

The data collection and training for Navajatan Yojana

Chhattisgarh is gradually moving towards a complete eradication of malnutrition. The training program is organized in a certain sequence that matches with the time bound action plan of Navajatan Yojana. The officials need to be prepared with equipments, food and man power to deal with the mass malnutrition that is still prevalent. It has been taken up as a challenge for eradicating malnutrition among the children below the age of 3 years throughout the state. This is the first time in India, that any scheme is being implemented with such strictness and supervision. Phulwari centers have been opened for helping the gram panchayats and Mitanins of health department. In the Phulwari centers the children are served with proper nutritious diet three times a day. The best feature is no government employee has been appointed in this center. And instead of that, the mothers of the children have been appointed as the Phulwari staff who will be attending the kids with meals turn by turn.

The Panchayats and rural development centers have started the opening of Phulwari centers in a schematic manner. This schematic pattern is going to be followed on a national basis and it also has been presented as the best national activity till date. It has really shown commendable success. The scheme is based on community management, which involved different stakeholders, Anganwadi workers, officers and panchayats.

A tabular overview about Navajatan Yojana

SL NO Facts to know Brief details
1. Start of Navajatan Yojana 2012
2. First and second phase action of Navajatan 38% reduction in malnutrition

60,000 children affected by malnutrition targeted

3. Third phase of Navajatan 2014
4. Target of third phase Navajatan 33% reduction in malnutrition


5. Plan of action in Phulwaris Minimum 5 children

Maximum 20 children

6. Target age of children 3 years and below
7. Total number of Phulwari centers 300 in villages and 85 in tribal areas
8. Fourth and fifth phase of Navajatan 2014-2015
9. Target reduction of malnutrition 30% to 45% in fourth and fifth phases
10. State Chhattisgarh
11. Total districts completed 27
12. Gram Panchayats brought 1066
13. Total group of women 1500
14. Total male volunteers 2850

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