Sarana Balyam Scheme Kerala

Sarana Balyam Scheme in Kerala

The state government of Kerala has announced the successful implementation of the Sarana Balyam Scheme within the state. The new scheme is aimed at rehabilitating and indentifying the children within the state who are being exploited on accounts of child labor, begging activities and other harassments.

Sarana Balyam Scheme Kerala

Implementation details

  • According to sources the scheme was already functional in various districts within the state and in present time has been extended to other parts of the state.
  • According to sources under the new scheme some other areas to be covered would include Alappuzha, Kollam and Kottayam.
  • The scheme for implementation and regulation has been completely supervised by Child development and Department of women welfare within the state.
  • The sources also made it very clear that the scheme will be implemented and bought into act state wide covering various districts under the respective administrations.

Key features

  • The new Saranabalayam program is aimed at freeing the state of Kerala from crimes including child begging and labor mainly. It focuses on targeting all activities happening against children with an aim to exploit them.
  • The program is being implemented with the state under strict regulations made by the social justice department of Kerala.
  • The major step was taken by the state government after discovering the exploitation of children in Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu states where they were found to be involved in selling toys and bangles at the time of Sabarimala pilgrimage season.
  • Once the new initiative has been completely implemented state wide the government aims at eliminating the child exploitation activities completely.
  • To better ensure the process of implementation the state government has also announced the toll free number where reports of any such incidences can be reported by anyone.
  • The state government has also set up a special rescue force that is always on alert to act against such incidences in four major districts within the state limits.
  • Under the new implementation the state government has also notified that a complete DNA testing is performed for any child who is found exploited on the street.
  • The government also ensures that once the DNA test is performed the authorities try and locate the guardian or parent of the child and hand his custody to the guardian or the parent through the respective district welfare committee.
  • In case no relationship is found established then further action is taken by the welfare committee and local authorities.


After successfully implementing the program in major districts within the state, the government aims at regulating the act of crimes happening against children in various public places or other areas. This will help protect the child against being exploited.


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