Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana by ESIC (ABVKY) 2018 Employees
ESI Corperation offers health coverage and social security to people who do not earn more than Rs. 21,000 on a monthly basis. This is a self-financing project. ESIC has come up with a new scheme that will assist those insured candidates, who have lost their jobs, and are looking for another one. The name of this scheme is Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana. The financial assistance will help such candidates to meet their family expenses without too much hassle.
Launch details
Name of the scheme | Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana |
Launched in | India |
Launched by | Santosh Gangwar |
Date of announcement | Sept 2018 |
Supervised by | ESI Corporation or ESIC |
Target beneficiary | People insured with ESIC |
Key features
More assistance to insured people – ESIC will come up with new solutions, which will offer several advantages to the insured people.
Financial assistance during redundancy – The job market is fast changing. Instead of offering permanent or long-term jobs, employers are offering jobs on contractual basis. This leaves employees without a job after a certain interval. ESI Corporation will offer financial assistance to such people, during their redundancy days, only if they are insured.
More medical facilities – During this announcement, ESIC also mentioned that it will offer better medical facilities for the insured people and their family members as well.
Eligibility criteria and necessary documents for application
As the minister had only announced the scheme, not much is known about the other aspects. It has been highlighted that ESIC will make separate announcements, wherein it will highlight all eligibility, and necessary document lists for attaining the new benefits.
How to get the application form and how to apply?
ESIC will make official announcements, which will offer clear idea about the application process. All application form related and registration related details will be published on the ESIC official website as soon as the authority finalizes them.
Eligibility to attain treatment in super specialty hospitals
Changes have also been made in the eligibility requirements of insured people, in case they desire to attain treatment at super specialty hospitals. The new eligibility criteria are as follows:
- Insurance period for policy holder – Earlier ESIC only allowed such insured candidates to attain medical treatment at super specialty hospitals, who have been insured for a period of two years. Now, this span has been reduces. All such candidates, who are insured for at least six months, and have contributed towards the insurance for at least 78 days, will be allowed to attain the same perks.
- Insured period for dependents – Family members, dependent on the insured person will also be able to receive the treatment at any super specialty hospitals only after a period of 156 days. Earlier, this was only possible after the policy holder has completed at least one year with ESIC.
Financial reward to encourage Aadhar seeding
Seeding all accounts and important documents with the Aadhar card has been made mandatory by the central government. ESI Corporation has also made this compulsory. But there are many insured people who are still to seed their Aadhar passes with the ESI card. To encourage such people to complete the official seeding as soon as possible, the ESI Corporation has decided that it will transfer Rs. 10 into the accounts of all those insured members, who will link their Aadhar cards as soon as possible.
More financial assistance after death
ESI Corporation also offers financial assistance to its insured members after death. This money is offered so that the family of the deceased can take care of the funeral expenditures. Earlier ESI Corporation gave Rs . 10,000 to such families. In the meeting, the decision was taken to increase this amount to Rs. 15,000.
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